Ahhh guy's your so badass. I haven't had the honor of listening to anyone other than Dan Johansen so I'll definitely be checking out everyone else's music! Keep those horns up; and keep them fingers shreddin boys!
Ahhh guy's your so badass. I haven't had the honor of listening to anyone other than Dan Johansen so I'll definitely be checking out everyone else's music! Keep those horns up; and keep them fingers shreddin boys!
Hahahaha awesome!
Glad you like it sir;
fav the rest of these folks
Easily my favorite song of yours, just has the perfect mesh of Epicosity and raw destructive thrashing. You my good man, are an amazing composer. Keep up the sick work man, can't wait to hear what's ticking in that musical brain of yours next.
Appreciate it a ton man, actually, this is also the piece of the album I am most pleased with, most others doesn't consider this a fav type of track though, so I am extremely happy to see you thought so! ROCK ON my friend!
This really bring me back to the Days of Final Fantasy Tactics. I can just imagine Ramza and Delita out on the plains meeting Augus (I think that was his name) for the first time. Very awesome work man, love your music so much. If I use your music for a project will that be okay? I'll credit you and link to your newgrounds page.
Thanks a tons man, great to see another review from you again! :D
Sure use it for a project :D
Just like Tablets of Gilgament I am blown the fuck away man. I love the rhythmic leads, the thrashy chug patterns and the badass techno fillers you use. Very impressed, very up beat and filled with energy. Can't wait to hear more of your work! Keep it metal man \m/
Thanks for checking out the Gilgamesh album man, appreciate the awesome feedback,keep on rocking!!
hahaha what the fuck!
This is some badass shredding guys! Holy shit lol. If you wouldn't mind could I track some vocals to this and give you guys the copy?
YES!!!! That would be pretty sweet, go ahead!
i like!
Very nice my friend! It'll be interesting to hear what you have planned for vocals!
If you guys need help with vocals, or need someone to do them I would be more than welcome to.
Keep up the good work guys!
Hey man, if you feel you can do a vocal track for them, feel free! I'd love to hear what kind of ideas you'd have for it
- Joe
I like this a lot! It reminds me a LOT of the song Sin and Sacrifice by Devildriver. You should check it out, its kind've creepy cause the intro totally fits the song lol. Good work man hope to hear more!
This is a song from when I 1st started experimenting with FL Studio. I wasn't actually trying to make it this creepy. It just came out. I've made a few other creepy songs since this one.
I like it!
The name helps the rating! Thats just silly lol. All in all I like the synth's you used. What software did you use for this piece?
Lmao! The hardest part about making a song is thinking of a name for it. Its just what popped in my head lol. I used FL studio 9 to make this. most of the instruments came from a sound pack somebody put together.
Just wow...
This is so great! I actually like the repetitive nature of the song, it really conveys it's messege well. I was wondering, if you didn't mind. Would you allow me to write some guitar over this piece? I would obviously credit you, but I would like your permission first. It would be posted on newgrounds if I completed it.
and again, awesome piece. I hope to hear more!
I'm glad you liked.
I would like to hear your work. Send me the link when you're done :)
I liked this piece a lot, unfortunately I'm not a fan of VST guitar sounds as i'm a guitar player myself, but they sound decent for what they are. I agree with Digital-Musician on the hi hat's khz, there just a tad bit too high. Otherwise great!
Thanks for the comment! I will put some eq on the drum when I'll mix it again.
If you want to record a real guitar track I would replace it :)
Joined on 6/30/10